Mark Phillips joins Tentamus as Chief Information & Technology Officer

Recognizing the crucial role of information technology in driving our future success, Tentamus is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Phillips as our new Chief Information & Technology Officer (CIO/CTO).

Mark Phillips brings over 25 years of extensive experience in shaping transformational strategies across a diverse range of industries. His impressive career includes significant tenures at renowned companies such as EMI, Kantar, and Unilabs.

In addition, his advisory work further solidifies his reputation as a thought leader in the field of information technology and digital transformation.

As the new CIO/CTO, Mark Phillips will join the Tentamus Executive Leadership Team, where his wealth of knowledge will be instrumental in driving our IT strategy and initiatives forward.

"We are thrilled to welcome Mark Phillips to our executive team," said Dr. Christian Rebhan, CEO of Tentamus. "His proven track record and visionary approach to IT and digital transformation will be invaluable as we navigate the rapidly evolving technological landscape. We are confident that Mark Phillip’s leadership will significantly contribute to our company’s growth and success."

Commenting on his new role, Mark Phillips said, "I am excited to join Tentamus at such a pivotal time in the company’s journey. I look forward to collaborating with the talented team here to drive forward our digital transformation efforts and take advantage of the power of technology to achieve our strategic goals. Together, we will work to enhance our IT capabilities and deliver exceptional value to our customers."

Mark Phillip’s appointment marks an important step in Tentamus’ journey towards becoming a more digitally integrated and innovative organization. We look forward to the positive impact his leadership will bring to our company.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Tentamus Group GmbH
An der Industriebahn 26
13088 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 206038-230
Telefax: +49 (30) 206038-190

Telefon: +49 (30) 206038-230
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